Cas Holloway Named Chief Operating Officer

Cas Holloway, chief operating officer of Columbia University
Christian Whan

Cas Holloway, a former deputy mayor of New York City, business leader, and entrepreneur, was recently named Columbia’s chief operating officer. In this role, he will provide strategic oversight in key administrative areas, such as facilities and operations, human resources, information technology, health services, and technology transfer.

A graduate of Harvard College and the University of Chicago Law School, Holloway joined the administration of New York mayor Michael Bloomberg ’04HON in 2006 and served in a number of high-ranking positions, eventually becoming deputy mayor for operations in 2011. In that position, he led efforts to overhaul the city’s emergency-response system, restructure its technology projects, and expand its recycling programs, among other initiatives. He also managed the city’s response to Hurricane Sandy, overseeing the rebuilding of homes and neighborhoods and the development of a long-term citywide resilience strategy.

From 2014 to 2019, Holloway worked at Bloomberg LP, the financial information, software, and media firm, serving as deputy chief operating officer and global head of technical operations. He subsequently had leadership roles at New York–based startups Unqork and Shiftsmart and advised other organizations on a variety of local, state, and federal issues.