Double Discovery Center to Extend Services to College Students

Students in Columbia's Double Discovery Center program
Diane Bondareff

Columbia’s Double Discovery Center (DDC), which provides academic mentoring and counseling to college-bound high-school students in Upper Manhattan, recently announced that it will extend its services to support young people as they proceed through their first and second years of college. 

This new initiative, called Project Start Right, is funded by nearly $400,000 in federal appropriations and will support local students who are enrolled in colleges across the country.

The goal of Project Start Right is to reduce college attrition rates among first-generation students from underserved communities in West Harlem, Washington Heights, and Inwood. To this end, it will provide mentoring in financial literacy and social-emotional wellness, as well as academic support. 

Since its founding in 1965, DDC has served more than twenty-five thousand New York City students.