When milestone anniversaries for two venerable New York institutions converge, it’s cause for dual celebrations. That’s what Columbia and New York City Transit have in mind for the University’s 250th and the subway’s 100th.
Four subway stations serving the Morningside Heights community—at 103rd, 110th, 116th, and 125th streets—are being refurbished, a project scheduled for completion in the fall of 2004 as part of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s current five-year capital plan.
The University donated $1.5 million toward the 16-month, $67.2 million project, partly to fund the restoration of windows in the 125th Street station. Columbia’s involvement in the effort is overseen by Emily Lloyd, executive vice president of government and community relations. “We’re looking forward to having the subway stations do justice to the neighborhoods they serve,” said Lloyd.
The four stations were showing their 100 years of wear and tear. The work includes general repairs, new wiring and sewage systems, and tile replacement. Special care is being taken to restore and replicate damaged or missing ornamentation in the stations, such as the plaques that adorn the station walls in the landmarked interiors at 110th and 116th streets.