Scrabble prodigy Mack Meller minds his Ps and Qs, catches a few Zs, and is never at a loss for words
How three women in New York are improving health care in Liberia with one simple but effective strategy
Lisa Goddard on how climate scientists can predict weather patterns months in advance, and how their work is improving people’s lives
Phillip Lopate '64CC reflects on the campus protests of 1968
Researchers are developing a painless, non-invasive alternative to liposuction
A team of Columbia architecture students re-envision New York City
A dislodged tectonic plate could trigger a tsunami with the capacity to devastate parts of the Alaska Peninsula
Study shows that social media is being used by foreign entities to sow divisiveness in American society.
What makes the perfect pop song, one that will rocket to the top of the Billboard charts?
Cartographers and researchers are answering the call for updated digital maps in remote locations
Whitney Museum curator Rujeko Hockley '05CC wants to showcase work that reflects an ever-diverse America
Josh Martin '14CC is the only Columbia graduate currently playing in the NFL
Two Columbia SIPA alumna founded the first startup incubator for conflict-affected populations in the Middle East
Journalist Kim Wall ’13JRN, ’15SIPA was known for her propensity to pursue offbeat stories
A Q&A with Dan Trepanier ’09CC, CEO of menswear company Articles of Style
Leigh Ledare ’08SOA is a visual artist working primarily with photography, film, and collage
Jessica Bruder '04JRN hit the road to document the experiences of transient Americans
Bill Roorbach ’90SOA threads together nine carefully crafted short stories that offer witty and deeply satisfying insights
The Columbia biochemist revolutionized biological research
Painting the town blue to celebrate the College of Physicians and Surgeons' 250th anniversary
Columbia University welcomes business and civic leaders Alex Navab and Li Lu to the Board of Trustees
Columbia women triumphed at the Ivy League Heptagonal Cross Country Championships this fall
The dean emeritus of the journalism school has been named the inaugural director of Columbia World Projects
The grants will enable Columbia scientists to address one of biology’s most fundamental questions